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In Uncategorized on January 31, 2013 at 11:05 am

Did you ever feel like you were in a rut?

I don’t think that there is anything more depressing. A rut can be a bad relationship, a dead end job, or just the dismal feeling that this is life as good as it gets. Well, I am not a shrink, so I can’t help you with these life issues, but I can help you with another horrible rut that I sometimes fall into.

When i told my family i wanna color my hair, their first reaction was:


I’ve been having ebony black hair all my life and there’s nothing you can do to make me dye my hair. Unless you pay la of course, but that still depends also.

Bless all these Garnier. Now i can change my hair highlight every so often, without damaging my hair. within Rs150/-pack.

i did my colour extention in my home only.

So many colors to choose from!

i really couldn`t decide what colour to have on my head when i was buying a colour from deparmental store as there was many hair option but since i was applying first time so after much hesitation and deliberation, i decided to go for   (Multi High Lights Kit).

the sales girl than started me to convence as Sir this goes well with lot of clothes. ect-2

Now process starts on my home with my friend he mixed the colour nd al that stuff he put the towel on my shoulder and telling me to pick that colour and with a big smile i passed him the colour.

so he started on my damped hair.

You know that feeling when you let yourself go to seed? You really don’t even realize it’s happening until one day, you look in the mirror and say, “Who the hell is that?” or, “Oh, no. That can’t be me.”

that was my reaction.

Can u believe that.